Expertise within BPCRN

BPCRN includes multiple clinical trial sites in Belgium.

Through the years, BPCRN has established a diverse portfolio of expertise in pediatric specialties within the network.

Medical specialties represented in BPCRN

(n = number of expert centers involved)

  • Pediatric cardiology (n=19)
  • Developmental pharmacology (n=4)
  • Pediatric endocrinology and diabetes (n=17)
  • Pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology (n=16)
  • Pediatric immunology (n=11)
  • Pediatric infectious disease and vaccinology (n=14)
  • Pediatric intensive care (n=15)
  • Pediatric metabolic diseases (n=10)
  • Neonatology (n=17)
  • Pediatric nephrology (n=12)
  • Pediatric neurology (n=15)
  • Pediatric oncology and hematology (n=13)
  • Pediatric otorhinolaryngology (ENT) (n=4)
  • Pediatric psychiatry (n=5)
  • Pediatric pulmonology (n=14)
  • Pediatric rheumatology and autoimmune disease (n=8)

BPCRN ensures that, among all team members of these specialties, high-quality care and expertise in pediatric clinical trials are present.

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